Use "thesaurus|thesauri|thesauruses" in a sentence

1. Was sind die Thesauren des Wortes Aggenerations? Sie können herausfinden, alle Thesauri des Wortes Aggenerations in Wordow

2. Adlib is also able to use external thesauri for which a web service is available such as the AAT and Iconclass

3. This article describes new approaches for thesauri applications including expert and interface systems, object-oriented design and programming, hypertext systems, machine translation and machine abstracting.

4. Thesaurus for Atheistic from theCollins English Thesaurus

5. Cerous (Thesaurus) cerotype cerrado

6. Cataplasm (Thesaurus) cataplasia cataplexy

7. Besought (Thesaurus) besot bespake

8. Bathetic (Thesaurus) bather bathhouse

9. Bewhiskered (Thesaurus) beweep Bewick

10. Consuetudinary (Thesaurus) consuetude consul

11. Apish (Thesaurus) Apis apivorous

12. Abutter (Thesaurus) abuttal abuzz

13. Apposite (Thesaurus) appose apposition

14. Cadastral (Thesaurus) cad cadastre

15. Synonyms: see Thesaurus: Contrarily

16. Butut (Thesaurus) Butung butyl

17. Burgrave (Thesaurus) Burgoyne Burgundian

18. Complaisant (Thesaurus) complaisance complanate

19. Blamable (Thesaurus) Blake blame

20. Boughten (Thesaurus) bought bougie

21. Caliginous (Thesaurus) californium Caligula

22. Anaclitic (Thesaurus) anaclisis anacoenosis

23. Administrable (Thesaurus) administerial administrate

24. Agamic (Thesaurus) agamete agamid

25. Aestivate (Thesaurus) aestival aet

26. Asynergy (Thesaurus) asyndeton Asynjur

27. Affectional (Thesaurus) affection affectionate

28. Argentiferous (Thesaurus) argentic Argentina

29. Claque (Thesaurus) claptrap Claqueur

30. Connubial (Thesaurus) connote conodont

31. Barelegged (Thesaurus) bareknuckle barely

32. Bedight (Thesaurus) bedframe bedim

33. Butazolidin (Thesaurus) butanone butch

34. Cloddish (Thesaurus) clod clodhopper

35. Codger (Thesaurus) codfish codices

36. (Bowel Obstruction, NCI Thesaurus)

37. Benignant (Thesaurus) benign benignity

38. Aitchbone (Thesaurus) aitch Aitken

39. Antherozoid (Thesaurus) antheridium anthesis

40. Acerbity (Thesaurus) acerbic acerola

41. Azonal (Thesaurus) azole azonic

42. Annunciate (Thesaurus) annulus annunciation

43. Asseverate (Thesaurus) asset asseveration

44. Anagrammatize (Thesaurus) anagram Anaheim

45. Approbation (Thesaurus) approbate approbative

46. Augend (Thesaurus) Augeas auger

47. Contuse (Thesaurus) contumely contusion

48. Cantabrigian (Thesaurus) cantabile Cantal

49. Cellarage (Thesaurus) cellar cellaret

50. Biyearly (Thesaurus) biweekly Biysk

51. Befool (Thesaurus) befog before

52. Besmirch (Thesaurus) besmear besom

53. Abysm (Thesaurus) Abyla Abysmal

54. Affranchise (Thesaurus) afforest affray

55. Archidiaconal (Thesaurus) archicarp Archie

56. Acold (Thesaurus) acoenaesthesia acolyte

57. Appendicle (Thesaurus) appendicitis appendicular

58. Aplacental (Thesaurus) APL aplacophoran

59. Asquint (Thesaurus) asprawl Asquith

60. Accouterment (Thesaurus) accouter accoutre

61. Visual thesaurus for Assimilable

62. Acerb (Thesaurus) acerate Acerbate

63. Calumnious (Thesaurus) calumniate calumny

64. Charlatanism (Thesaurus) charlatan charlatanry

65. Coetaneous (Thesaurus) coessential coeternal

66. Bleeping (Thesaurus) bleep blellum

67. Cacography (Thesaurus) cacogenics cacology

68. Bovid (Thesaurus) Bovet bovine

69. Bigamous (Thesaurus) bigamist bigamy

70. Bibliopole (Thesaurus) bibliophobe bibliotaph

71. Aftermost (Thesaurus) aftermath afternoon

72. Apodous (Thesaurus) apodosis apoenzyme

73. Anthropophagite (Thesaurus) anthropophagi anthropophagy

74. Agelong (Thesaurus) ageless agemate

75. Acidimetry (Thesaurus) acidimeter acidity

76. Apparatchik (Thesaurus) apparat apparatus

77. Algology (Thesaurus) algolagnia algometer

78. Asperse (Thesaurus) asperity aspersion

79. Addlebrained (Thesaurus) addle addlepated

80. Crenulate (Thesaurus) Crenshaw melon crenulation